Since beginning his career as a spa receptionist, Patrick Huey has flourished in the spa industry for more than twenty years. A firm believer in hard work and dedication, Huey is an inspiration to all in the wellness industry from novices just making their start to professionals with a lifetime of experience. His positive attitude and strong work ethic are driving factors for his success in the wellness industry and he hopes to use his experience to help others make lemonade from the lemons of life.
Read on to learn more about Patrick’s background in the spa industry and to hear about his pro tips for skincare professionals.
Meet Patrick
Huey is a firm believer in the power of a good mentor. His own mentors Sheri Claflin and Annie McCullough showed him the ropes when he was a newcomer in the industry. More than professional mentors, all of Huey’s relationships have been an inspiration for him as well as a source of strength. He calls his friends a “dynamic and powerful group of human beings” whose friendships have sustained him throughout his life.
As board chairmen of the ISPA, Huey has had opportunities to work with some amazing volunteers. Recalling the ISPA’s rich history, he calls the experience of working with such a long-standing organization “humbling.” He has particularly enjoyed being involved in virtual content over the past year and is grateful for the opportunities he’s had to learn from brilliant minds in and out of the spa industry.
Self-Care and the Meaning of Wellness
In the midst of maintaining a successful career, Huey always takes time for self-care. On top of indulging in spa treatments, Huey enjoys travel, music, and playing tennis. His favorite self-care activity, however, is playing his saxophones. He told us, “They saved my sanity through 2020 and continue to do so. Also, music is so good for your brain as well.”
The Future of the Spa Industry
The spa and wellness industry is constantly evolving and Huey believes mental and emotional wellness are key. He expects at-home and virtual offerings to continue to play a major role – even apps like TikTok and Instagram have a role to play. He encourages spa owners to embrace technology and not to be afraid of trying new things in challenging times. You never know where the next breakthrough might come from.
Pro Tips from Patrick Huey
Throughout his career, Huey has followed the advice of one of his Yale professors who told the class, “Champions adjust.” After surviving the tough year that was 2020, Huey understands that time is the one thing we can’t take for granted – opportunities are meant to be seized! He told us, “If you want a career, you have to say ‘yes’ to the opportunities that come your way. Success never comes in the package you think it will.” Huey believes each of us is the driver behind the wheel of our own destinies. If there is something you want to do or something you want to experience, he says the only thing to do is go for it.
To new spa professionals, Huey recommends giving up on the idea of perfection. If you spend your life waiting for the perfect job title, the exact right salary, or the ideal company location, you’ll miss out on some outstanding opportunities. “One thing we can’t take for granted any longer is time,” he says. “Time and opportunity. Seize them and go big!”